Sunday, December 29, 2019

Vocabulary About Work in German

Here is some work-related German vocabulary to practice with.die Arbeit - jobder Beruf/ die Karriere - careerdie Stelle - the positiondie Aufgabe - the taskdie ÃÅ"berstunde - overtimedie Vollzeitarbeit - full-time workdie Teilzeitarbeit - part-time workselbststà ¤ndig - independentder Werktag - workdayder Feiertag - holidaydie Schichtarbeit - shift workdie Nachtschicht - night shiftdie Schwarzarbeit - moonlightingbeschà ¤ftigen- to be occupieddas Personal - staffder Geschà ¤ftsfà ¼hrer/ der Manager - managerder Kollege/ der Mitarbeiter - colleagueder Angestellte - employeeder Arbeitgeber - employerunterbezahlen - to underpayder Arbeitnehmer - employeein Streik treten - to go on strikeanwerben - to recruitdie Arbeitslosigkeit - unemploymentder Arbeitslose - unemployeddie Anwerbung - recruitmentdie Personalkà ¼rzung - staff cutbackstariflich festgelegt - contractualdie Einstellung - employmentdie Bewerbung - (job) applicationder Bewerber - apllicantbefà ¶rdern - to promotedie Teamarbeit - teamworkauf Stellensuche sein - to be job-huntingdie Erfahrung - experienceder Interview/ der Vortstellungsgesprà ¤ch - interviewder Kopfjà ¤ger - headhunterder Lebenslauf - curriculum vitaeder Arbeitsvertrag - employment contractder Arbeitsunfall - accident at workdie Versicherung - insurancedie Karriereleiter hinaufsteigen/ beruflich aufsteigen - to climb up the ladderzustà ¤ndig fà ¼r - responsible forder Urlaub - vacationsich pensionieren - to retire

Saturday, December 21, 2019

Dells Value Chain - 1517 Words

The value chain was a concept initially proposed by McKinsey and later developed and made public by Harvard strategy guru Michael Porter. According to Porter, the value chain is defined as the complete flow of products from the suppliers to the customers and management of the information flow in a way that maximizes the consumer satisfaction with the increase in the profit margins of the company. Simply, it includes a series of value-adding activities connecting a company s supply side (raw materials, inbound logistics, and production processes) with its demand side (outbound logistics, marketing, and sales). And these activities are supported by the infrastructure of the firm, human resource management, technology and development,†¦show more content†¦If there is an inbound logistics technology, there is also an outbound logistics technology. Outbound logistics refer to as the delivering of the product from the production area to the market or to the buyer itself. Outbound logistics employ almost the same technology used by the inbound logistics, it also requires transportation technologies, the handling, packaging, communication and information systems. Marketing the product and selling it to the market also requires technology through the use of media and information systems. The role of the firm usually do not stop after a consumer purchased a firm’s product, after-purchase services are important and product innovation is a constant process if the firm is aiming to stay at a competitive advantage from its competitors. After-purchase services and product innovation also requires the use of technologies. Because of technologies, innovation and creation of new products to suit customer satisfaction are made faster. We can note that technology is widely used across the value chain, and to the extent that technology affects uniqueness of the product, and this leads to competitive advantage. Moreover, value chain activities are not isolated from o ne another. Rather, one value chain activity often affects the cost or performance of other ones. Linkages may exist between primary activities and also between primaryShow MoreRelatedDells Value Chain1067 Words   |  5 PagesDell’s Value Chain 1. How has Dell used its direct sales and build-to-order model to develop an exceptional supply chain? Dell has used its direct sales and build-to-order model to develop an exceptional supply chain by taking customer feedback very seriously. Dell uses the feedback to further evaluate and when necessary, implement change to improve their supply chain. The company maintains close-knit relationships with customers, and maintains very close, professional relations with their suppliersRead MoreDell Value Chain1717 Words   |  7 PagesVALUE ADDED CHAIN IN DELL SUBMITTED BY: SIDDHARTHA DAS ROLL NO: 32 BATCH: PGDM (FM) 2010-12 SUBJECT: Project and Infrastructure Management: Financing, Implementation and Control Table of Contents Sl.No. | Description | Page No. | 1 | VALUE CHAIN ANALYSIS | 3 | 2 | VALUE CHAIN IN DELL | 4 | 3 | DIRECT SELLING STRATEGY OF DELL | 5 | 4 | COMPONENTS OF DIRECT SELLING STRATEGY | 6 | 5 | ADVANTAGES OF VALUE CHAIN OF DELL | 8 | 5.1 | CONCLUSION | 9 | CHAPTER-1 What is ValueRead MoreDell s Value Chain For The Profitability Of The Company899 Words   |  4 Pagesthat has maximized its value chain for the profitability of the company. This paper will analyze the unique value chain of the company. Furthermore, the paper will evaluate how Dell has used its direct sales and build-to-order model to develop an exceptional supply chain. The main advantages and disadvantages of Dell’s direct sales model will also be analyzed. Also noted is how Dell competes with other retailers that already have stocks in house and how Dell’s supply chain deals with the bullwhipRead MoreCase Study - Dell Value Chain1171 Words   |  5 Pagesexceptional supply chain? The many challenges in order to improve the supply chains usually come with the unidentified. Many companies produce products they think their consumer will want. After that, they ship their products to retail stores. Then, these stores try to sell the products to the customers. Here, the supply chains slows down as they are figuring out what to build next. Then, these companies deal with their suppliers to get the materials for the products. Here, the supply chain slow down moreRead MoreDell Competitive Advantage and Value Chain Analysis1544 Words   |  7 PagesStrategic Management: Dell Value Chain Activities Analysis INTRODUCTION According to Porter the value chain is defined as the complete flow of products from the suppliers to the customers and management of the information flow in a way that maximizes the consumer satisfaction with the increase in the profit margins of the company.(ivythesis,2009) Dell’s value chain is one of a kind, they outsource all there components across the world and then assemble and sells it directly to the customers. DellRead MoreValue Chain By Michael Porter2187 Words   |  9 PagesValue Chain Analysis Value Chain is a strategic tool to measure the importance of the customer’s perceived value in value chain analysis. By enabling companies to determine the strategic advantages and disadvantages of their activities and value-creating processes in the marketplace, value chain analysis assumes critical importance in assessing competitive advantage. The dissertation explores the different elements of the value chain of computer hardware and behemoth Dell and seeks toRead MoreDells Supply Chain Management2081 Words   |  9 PagesDirect Sales and Build-to-Order Model: Dell’s computers, workstations, and servers are built-to-order and none are produced for inventory purposes which clearly cuts Dell’s cost on inventory. Dell customers could order through their website or even via phone, custom-made servers and workstations based on the needs of their applications. For desktop and laptop, customers are able to order whatever configuration of microprocessor speed, random access memory (RAM), hard-disk capacity, CD-ROM driveRead MoreDells Supply Chain Strategies39734 Words   |  159 PagesKnowledge-Based Analysis and Modelling of Dell’s Supply Chain Strategies Areti Manataki Master of Science Artificial Intelligence School of Informatics University of Edinburgh 2007 Abstract Supply Chain Management is becoming more and more important for the success of today’s business world. Dell has realized this trend from its very first steps and has become one of the most successful PC companies in the world by putting emphasis on its supply chain, orchestrating its build-to-order andRead MoreFord s Current Existing Supply Chain Condition1759 Words   |  8 Pagespretty long time analyzing Ford’s current existing supply chain condition. I immediately became aware of its highly complex environment. This high level of complexity combined with other external and internal factors. These factors push Ford to search for the best solutions in order to overcome the costly supply chain issues that they are facing and may continue encounter in the future. Ford’s major challenges in their current supply chain system is: the inefficient and uneffective control of theirRead MoreValue Chain Analysis : The Computer Industry Essay3769 Words   |  16 PagesValue Chain Analysis Introduction The Computer industry has been on a never ending expansion and growth owing to its technological advances and varied innovation experienced ever since its incorporation. The industry despite of being extremely profitable is also having an extensively competitive market. Despite of the large industry size and the emerging new entrants Dell has been able to sustain its market position with fair growth ever since its incorporation in 1984. Michael

Friday, December 13, 2019

Second Foundation 11. Stowaway Free Essays

string(166) " narrow the margin is that separates us from discovery\? How helpless we are thereafter\?† â€Å"But we can’t have everything depend on an insane child\." It was a little over a month before the summer could be said to have started. Started, that is, to the extent that Homir Munn had written his final financial report of the fiscal year, seen to it that the substitute librarian supplied by the Government was sufficiently aware of the subtleties of the post – last year’s man had been quite unsatisfactory – and arranged to have his little cruiser the Unimara – named after a tender and mysterious episode of twenty years past – taken out of its winter cobwebbery. He left Terminus in a sullen distemper. We will write a custom essay sample on Second Foundation 11. Stowaway or any similar topic only for you Order Now No one was at the port to see him off. That would not have been natural since no one ever had in the past. He knew very well that it was important to have this trip in no way different from any he had made in the past, yet he felt drenched in a vague resentment. He, Homir Munn, was risking his neck in derring-doery of the most outrageous sort, and yet he left alone. At least, so he thought. And it was because he thought wrongly, that the following day was one of confusion, both on the Unimara and in Dr. Darell’s suburban home. It hit Dr. Darell’s home first, in point of time, through the medium of Poli, the maid, whose month’s vacation was now quite a thing of the past. She flew down the stairs in a flurry and stutter. The good doctor met her and she tried vainly to put emotion into words but ended by thrusting a sheet of paper and a cubical object at him. He took them unwillingly and said: â€Å"What’s wrong, Poli?† â€Å"She’s gone, doctor.† â€Å"Who’s gone?† â€Å"Arcadia!† â€Å"What do you mean, gone? Gone where? What are you talking about?† And she stamped her foot: ‘I don’t know. She’s gone, and there’s a suitcase and some clothes gone with her and there’s that letter. Why don’t you read it, instead of just standing there? Oh, you men!† Dr. Darell shrugged and opened the envelope. The letter was not long, and except for the angular signature, â€Å"Arkady,† was in the ornate and flowing handwriting of Arcadia’s transcriber. Dear Father: It would have been simply too heartbreaking to say good-by to you in person. I might have cried like a little girl and you would have been ashamed of me. So I’m writing a letter instead to tell you how much I’II miss you, even while I’m having this perfectly wonderful summer vacation with Uncle Homir. I’II take good care of myself and it won’t be long before I’m home again. Meanwhile, I’m leaving you something that’s all my own. You can have it now. Your loving daughter, Arkady. He read it through several times with an expression that grew blanker each time. He said stiffly, â€Å"Have you read this, Poli?† Poli was instantly on the defensive. â€Å"I certainly can’t be blamed for that, doctor. The envelope has ‘Poli’ written on the outside, and I had no way of telling there was a letter for you on the inside. I’m no snoop, doctor, and in the years I’ve been with-â€Å" Darell held up a placating hand, â€Å"Very well, Poli. It’s not important. I just wanted to make sure you understood what had happened.† He was considering rapidly. It was no use telling her to forget the matter. With regard to the enemy, â€Å"forget† was a meaningless word; and the advice, insofar as it made the matter more important, would have had an opposite effect. He said instead, â€Å"She’s a queer little girl, you know. Very romantic. Ever since we arranged to have her go off on a space trip this summer, she’s been quite excited.† â€Å"And just why has no one told me about this space trip?† â€Å"It was arranged while you were away, and we forgot It’s nothing more complicated than that.† Poli’s original emotions now concentrated themselves into a single, overwhelming indignation, â€Å"Simple, is it? The poor chick has gone off with one suitcase, without a decent stitch of clothes to her, and alone at that. How long will she be away?† â€Å"Now I won’t have you worrying about it, Poli. There will be plenty of clothes for her on the ship. It’s been all arranged. Will you tell Mr. Anthor, that I want to see him? Oh, and first – is this the object that Arcadia has left for me?† He turned it over in his hand. Poli tossed her head. â€Å"I’m sure I don’t know. The letter was on top of it and that’s every bit I can tell you. Forget to tell me, indeed. If her mother were alive-â€Å" Darell, waved her away. â€Å"Please call Mr. Anthor.† *** Anthor’s viewpoint on the matter differed radically from that of Arcadia’s father. He punctuated his initial remarks with clenched fists and tom hair, and from there, passed on to bitterness. â€Å"Great Space, what are you waiting for? What are we both waiting for? Get the spaceport on the viewer and have them contact the Unimara.† â€Å"Softly, Pelleas, she’s my daughter.† â€Å"But it’s not your Galaxy.† â€Å"Now, wait. She’s an intelligent girl, Pelleas, and she’s thought this thing out carefully. We had better follow her thoughts while this thing is fresh. Do you know what this thing is?† â€Å"No. Why should it matter what it is?’ â€Å"Because it’s a sound-receiver.† â€Å"That thing?† â€Å"It’s homemade, but it will work. I’ve tested it. Don’t you see? It’s her way of telling us that she’s been a party to our conversations of policy. She knows where Homir Munn is going and why. She’s decided it would be exciting to go along.† â€Å"Oh, Great Space,† groaned the younger man. â€Å"Another mind for the Second Foundation to pick.† â€Å"Except that there’s no reason why the Second Foundation should, a priori, suspect a fourteen-year-old girl of being a danger – unless we do anything to attract attention to her, such as calling back a ship out of space for no reason other than to take her off. Do you forget with whom we’re dealing? How narrow the margin is that separates us from discovery? How helpless we are thereafter?† â€Å"But we can’t have everything depend on an insane child.† She’s not insane, and we have no choice. She need not have written the letter, but she did it to keep us from going to the police after a lost child. Her letter suggests that we convert the entire matter into a friendly offer on the part of Munn to take an old friend’s daughter off for a short vacation. And why not? He’s been my friend for nearly twenty years. He’s known her since she was three, when I brought her back from Trantor. It’s a perfectIy natural thing, and, in fact, ought to decrease suspicion. A spy does not carry a fourteen-year-old niece about with him.† â€Å"So. And what will Munn do when he finds her?† Dr. Darell heaved his eyebrows once. â€Å"I can’t say – but I presume she’ll handle him.† But the house was somehow very lonely at night and Dr. Darell found that the fate of the Galaxy made remarkably little difference while his daughter’s mad little life was in danger. The excitement on the Unimara, if involving fewer people, was considerably more intense. *** In the luggage compartment, Arcadia found herself, in the first place, aided by experience, and in the second, hampered by the reverse. Thus, she met the initial acceleration with equanimity and the more subtle nausea that accompanied the inside-outness of the first jump through hyperspace with stoicism. Both had been experienced on space hops before, and she was tensed for them. She knew also that luggage compartments were included in the ship’s ventilation-system and that they could even be bathed in wall-light. This last, however, she excluded as being too unconscionably unromantic. She remained in the dark, as a conspirator should, breathing very softly, and listening to the little miscellany of noises that surrounded Homir Munn. They were undistinguished noises, the kind made by a man alone. The shuffling of shoes, the rustle of fabric against metal, the soughing of an upholstered chair seat retreating under weight, the sharp click of a control unit, or the soft slap of a palm over a photoelectric cell. Yet, eventually, it was the lack of experience that caught up with Arcadia. In the book films and on the videos, the stowaway seemed to have such an infinite capacity for obscurity. Of course, there was always the danger of dislodging something which would fall with a crash, or of sneezing – in videos you were almost sure to sneeze; it was an accepted matter. She knew all this, and was careful. There was also the realization that thirst and hunger might be encountered. For this, she was prepared with ration cans out of the pantry. But yet things remained that the films never mentioned, and it dawned upon Arcadia with a shock that, despite the best intentions in the world, she could stay hidden in the closet for only a limited time. And on a one-man sports-cruiser, such as the Unimara, living space consisted, essentially, of a single room, so that there wasn’t even the risky possibility of sneaking out of the compartment while Munn was engaged elsewhere. She waited frantically for the sounds of sleep to arise. If only she knew whether he snored. At least she knew where the bunk was and she could recognize the rolling protest of one when she heard it. There was a long breath and then a yawn. She waited through a gathering silence, punctuated by the bunk’s soft protest against a changed position or a shifted leg. The door of the luggage compartment opened easily at the pressure of her finger, and her craning neck- There was a definite human sound that broke off sharply. Arcadia solidified. Silence! Still silence! She tried to poke her eyes outside the door without moving her head and failed. The head followed the eyes. Homir Munn was awake, of course – reading in bed, bathed in the soft, unspreading bed light, staring into the darkness with wide eyes, and groping one hand stealthily under the pillow. Arcadia’s head moved sharply back of itself. Then, the light went out entirely and Munn’s voice said with shaky sharpness, â€Å"I’ve got a blaster, and I’m shooting, by the Galaxy-â€Å" And Arcadia wailed, â€Å"It’s only me. Don’t shoot.† Remarkable what a fragile flower romance is. A gun with a nervous operator behind it can spoil the whole thing. The light was back on – all over the ship – and Munn was sitting up in bed. The somewhat grizzled hair on his thin chest and the sparse one-day growth on his chin lent him an entirely fallacious appearance of disreputability. Arcadia stepped out, yanking at her metallene jacket which was supposed to be guaranteed wrinkleproof. After a wild moment in which he almost jumped out of bed, but remembered, and instead yanked the sheet up to his shoulders, Munn gargled, â€Å"W†¦ wha†¦ what-â€Å" He was completely incomprehensible. Arcadia said meekly, â€Å"Would you excuse me for a minute? I’ve got to wash my hands.† She knew the geography of the vessel, and slipped away quickly. When she returned, with her courage oozing back, Homir Munn was standing before her with a faded bathrobe on the outside and a brilliant fury on the inside. â€Å"What the black holes of Space are you d†¦ doing aboard this ship? H†¦ how did you get on here? What do you th†¦ think I’m supposed to do with you? What’s going on here?† He might have asked questions indefinitely, but Arcadia interrupted sweetly, â€Å"I just wanted to come along, Uncle Homir.† â€Å"Why? I’m not going anywhere?† â€Å"You’re going to Kalgan for information about the Second Foundation.† And Munn let out a wild howl and collapsed completely. For one horrified moment, Arcadia thought he would have hysterics or beat his head against the wall. He was still holding the blaster and her stomach grew ice-cold as she watched it. â€Å"Watch out – Take it easy -† was all she could think of to say. But he struggled back to relative normality and threw the blaster on to the bunk with a force that should have set it off and blown a hole through the ship’s hull. â€Å"How did you get on?† he asked slowly, as though gripping each word with his teeth very carefully to prevent it from trembling before letting it out. â€Å"It was easy. I just came into the hangar with my suitcase, and said, ‘Mr. Munn’s baggage!’ and the man in charge just waved his thumb without even looking up.† â€Å"I’ll have to take you back, you know,† said Homir, and there was a sudden wild glee within him at the thought. By Space, this wasn’t his fault. â€Å"You can’t,† said Arcadia, calmly, â€Å"it would attract attention.† â€Å"What?† â€Å"You know. The whole purpose of your going to Kalgan was because it was natural for you to go and ask for permission to look into the Mule’s records. And you’ve got to be so natural that you’re to attract no attention at all. If you go back with a girl stowaway, it might even get into the tele-news reports.† â€Å"Where did you g†¦ get those notions about Kalgan? These†¦ uh†¦ childish-† He was far too flippant for conviction, of course, even to one who knew less than did Arcadia. â€Å"I heard,† she couldn’t avoid pride completely, â€Å"with a sound-recorder. I know all about it – so you’ve got to let me come along.† â€Å"What about your father?† He played a quick trump. â€Å"For all he knows, you’re kidnapped†¦ dead.† â€Å"I left a note,† she said, overtrumping, â€Å"and he probably knows he mustn’t make a fuss, or anything. You’ll probably get a space-gram from him.† To Munn the only explanation was sorcery, because the receiving signal sounded wildly two seconds after she finished. She said: â€Å"That’s my father, I bet,† and it was. The message wasn’t long and it was addressed to Arcadia. It said: â€Å"Thank you for your lovely present, which I’m sure you put to good use. Have a good time.† â€Å"You see,† she said, â€Å"that’s instructions.† Homir grew used to her. After a while, he was glad she was there. Eventually, he wondered how he would have made it without her. She prattIed! She was excited! Most of all, she was completely unconcerned. She knew the Second Foundation was the enemy, yet it didn’t bother her. She knew that on Kalgan, he was to deal with a hostile officialdom, but she could hardly wait. Maybe it came of being fourteen. At any rate, the week-long trip now meant conversation rather than introspection. To be sure, it wasn’t a very enlightening conversation, since it concerned, almost entirely, the girl’s notions on the subject of how best to treat the Lord of Kalgan. Amusing and nonsensical, and yet delivered with weighty deliberation. Homir found himself actually capable of smiling as he listened and wondered out of just which gem of historical fiction she got her twisted notion of the great universe. It was the evening before the last jump. Kalgan was a bright star in the scarcely-twinkling emptiness of the outer reaches of the Galaxy. The ship’s telescope made it a sparkling blob of barely-perceptible diameter. Arcadia sat cross-legged in the good chair. She was wearing a pair of slacks and a none-too-roomy shirt that belonged to Homir. Her own more feminine wardrobe had been washed and ironed for the landing. She said, â€Å"I’m going to write historical novels, you know.† She was quite happy about the trip. Uncle Homir didn’t the least mind listening to her and it made conversation so much more pleasant when you could talk to a really intelligent person who was serious about what you said. She continued: â€Å"I’ve read books and books about all the great men of Foundation history. You know, like Seldon, Hardin, Mallow, Devers and all the rest. I’ve even read most of what you’ve written about the Mule, except that it isn’t much fun to read those parts where the Foundation loses. Wouldn’t you rather read a history where they skipped the silly, tragic parts?† â€Å"Yes, I would,† Munn assured her, gravely. â€Å"But it wouldn’t be a fair history, would it, Arkady? You’d never get academic respect, unless you give the whole story.† â€Å"Oh, poof. Who cares about academic respect?† She found him delightful. He hadn’t missed calling her Arkady for days. â€Å"My novels are going to be interesting and are going to sell and be famous. What’s the use of writing books unless you sell them and become well-known? I don’t want just some old professors to know me. It’s got to be everybody.† Her eyes darkened with pleasure at the thought and she wriggled into a more comfortable position. â€Å"In fact, as soon as I can get father to let me, I’m going to visit Trantor, so’s I can get background material on the First Empire, you know. I was born on Trantor; did you know that?† He did, but he said, â€Å"You were?† and put just the right amount of amazement into his voice. He was rewarded with something between a beam and a simper. â€Å"Uh-huh. My grandmother†¦ you know, Bayta Darell, you’ve heard of her†¦ was on Trantor once with my grandfather. In fact, that’s where they stopped the Mule, when all the Galaxy was at his feet; and my father and mother went there also when they were first married. I was born there. I even lived there till mother died, only I was just three then, and I don’t remember much about it. Were you ever on Trantor, Uncle Homir?† â€Å"No, can’t say I was.† He leaned back against the cold bulkhead and listened idly. Kalgan was very close, and he felt his uneasiness flooding back. â€Å"Isn’t it just the most romantic world? My father says that under Stannel V, it had more people than any ten worlds nowadays. He says it was just one big world of metals – one big city – that was the capital of all the Galaxy. He’s shown me pictures that he took on Trantor. It’s all in ruins now, but it’s still stupendous. I’d just love to see it again. In fact†¦ Homir!† â€Å"Yes?† â€Å"Why don’t we go there, when we’re finished with Kalgan?† Some of the fright hurtled back into his face. â€Å"What? Now don’t start on that. This is business, not pleasure. Remember that.† â€Å"But it is business† she squeaked. â€Å"There might be incredible amounts of information on Trantor, don’t you think so?† â€Å"No, I don’t.†*** He scrambled to his feet â€Å"Now untangle yourself from the computer. We’ve got to make the last jump, and then you turn in.† One good thing about landing, anyway; he was about fed up with trying to sleep on an overcoat on the metal floor. The calculations were not difficult. The â€Å"Space Route Handbook† was quite explicit on the Foundation-Kalgan route. There was the momentary twitch of the timeless passage through hyperspace and the final light-year dropped away. The sun of Kalgan was a sun now – large, bright, and yellow-white; invisible behind the portholes that had automatically closed on the sun-lit side. Kalgan was only a night’s sleep away. How to cite Second Foundation 11. Stowaway, Essay examples

Thursday, December 5, 2019

Marketing Report of Tesco Samples for Students †

Question: Discuss about the Marketing Report of Tesco. Answer: Objectives Of Tesco TESCO is one of the gigantic supermarkets of the United Kingdom having a dominating position in British retail segment in domestic as well as global market. The company was founded in 1919 by Jack Cohen. The company is developed with the goal of being the market leader in providing satisfactory services to customers through making their life easier and better (Tesco Plc. Core Purpose and Values: Our core purpose, 2017). The business has been developed with the aim of serving shopper a litter better experience at every visit. Objectives: Introducing Healthy Products: A wide range of healthy products are introduced through their stores. The motive behind is to establish their company as a provider of healthy products. Moreover, for same company interacts with customers on a continuing basis for changing and innovating their products in accordance with their needs to enhance their satisfaction level. Increasing sales along with an increase in profits. Priority will be given to increase in sales, and if the same is attained than another part of this objective, is to increase profit by making improvement in productivity (Tesco Plc. Core Purpose and Values: Our core purpose, 2017). Reducing the prices of products: An effort has been made by the company to make their shopping centre cheap so that the services can be attained by the average household. Develop giant internet shopping site: Its objectives comprise providing groceries, clothing, electronic goods and other services through making use of online distribution channels. The company is designing various strategies for attaining this objective. Providing job to the local community: Decrease in existing unemployment has also been part of the objective of the company. Further, efficient efforts in same are being made so that living standard of society can also be increased with an increase in growth of the company. Industry Analysis Of Tesco TESCO is a part of food and grocery retail industry which is highly intensive in competition. Assessment of competition in the industry can be done through analysing the industry in order to ascertain the efficient source of competitive advantage (Lewrick and et al. 2015). Australian retail industry in endures to uphold its impetus, through attaining social and economic developments. Fundamental elements related to the growth of retail industry in country are increasing population, vigorous growth in economy, and escalating purchasing power. Major competitors of business is Asda, Sainsbury and Morrison as they have already captured eighty percent of the market. The company is part of grocery retail market; threat relating to substitutes is low for food items and moderate for nonfood items. It is also establishing shops in local towns in order to create hurdles for a substitute to make their own pace in market. The substitutes of the major retailers are not assessed as the main threat, and the reason behind the same is TESCO is having a stronghold in the market (Pantano and et al. 2017). Suppliers are inclined regarding major food and grocery organization and make the effort that they continue to operate with same for a longer period. Due to this reason, they have to negotiate price and provide the lowest available price so that they continue with them and do not search for other option. Bargaining power of buyer in comparatively high than a supplier. The reason behind same is that other choices of approximately same quality are available to the buyer in an easy manner. Thus, the buyer can remain connected only if low prices are made available with an online option as they are compared easily for shopping. References Lewrick, M., Williams, R., Maktoba, O., Tjandra, N. and Lee, Z.C., 2015. Radical and incremental innovation effectiveness in relation to market orientation in the retail industry: triggers, drivers, and supporters.Successful Technological Integration for Competitive Advantage in Retail Settings, IGI Global, pp.239-268. Pantano, E., Priporas, C.V., Sorace, S. and Iazzolino, G., 2017. Does innovation-orientation lead to retail industry growth? Empirical evidence from the patent analysis.Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services,34, pp.88-94. Tesco Plc. Core Purpose and Values: Our core purpose. 2017. [Online]. Available through [Accessed on 25th September 2017].

Thursday, November 28, 2019

Adventures Of Huck Finn Examination Essays - Literature, Fiction

Adventures Of Huck Finn Examination Huckleberry Finn provides the narrative voice of Mark Twain's novel, and his honest voice combined with his personal vulnerabilities reveal the different levels of the Grangerfords' world. Huck is without a family: neither the drunken attention of Pap nor the pious ministrations of Widow Douglas were desirable allegiance. He stumbles upon the Grangerfords in darkness, lost from Jim and the raft. The family, after some initial cross-examination, welcomes, feeds and rooms Huck with an amiable boy his age. With the light of the next morning, Huck estimates "it was a mighty nice family, and a mighty nice house, too"(1335). This is the first of many compliments Huck bestows on the Grangerfords and their possessions. Huck is impressed by all of the Grangerfords' belongings and liberally offers compliments. The books are piled on the table "perfectly exact"(1335), the table had a cover made from "beautiful oilcloth"(1335), and a book was filled with "beautiful stuff and poetry"(1335). He even appraises the chairs, noting they are "nice split-bottom chairs, and perfectly sound, too--not bagged down in the middle and busted, like an old basket"(1335). It is apparent Huck is more familiar with busted chairs than sound ones, and he appreciates the distinction. Huck is also more familiar with flawed families than loving, virtuous ones, and he is happy to sing the praises of the people who took him in. Col. Grangerford "was a gentleman all over; and so was his family"(1338). The Colonel was kind, well-mannered, quiet and far from frivolous. Everyone wanted to be around him, and he gave Huck confidence. Unlike the drunken Pap, the Colonel dressed well, was clean-shaven and his face had "not a sign of red in it anywheres" (1338). Huck admired how the Colonel gently ruled his family with hints of a submerged temper. The same temper exists in one of his daughters: "she had a look that would make you wilt in your tracks, like her father. She was beautiful"(1339). Huck does not think negatively of the hints of iron in the people he is happy to care for and let care for him. He does not ask how three of the Colonels' sons died, or why the family brings guns to family picnics. He sees these as small facets of a family with "a handsome lot of quality" (1339). He thinks no more about Jim or the raft, but knows he has found a new home, one where he doesn't have to go to school, is surrounded by interior and exterior beauty, and most importantly, where he feels safe. Huck "liked that family, dead ones and all, and warn't going to let anything come between us"(1340). Huck is a very personable narrator. He tells his story in plain language, whether describing the Grangerford's clock or his hunting expedition with Buck. It is through his precise, trusting eyes that the reader sees the world of the novel. Because Huck is so literal, and does not exaggerate experiences like Jim or see a grand, false version of reality like Tom Sawyer, the reader gains an understanding of the world Mark Twain created, the reader is able to catch Twain's jokes and hear his skepticism. The Grangerford's furniture, much admired by Huck, is actually comically tacky. You can almost hear Mark Twain laughing over the parrot-flanked clock and the curtains with cows and castles painted on them even as Huck oohs and ahhs. And Twain pokes fun at the young dead daughter Huck is so drawn to. Twain mocks Emmeline as an amateur writer: "She warn't particular, she could write about anything you choose to give her to write about, just so it was sadful"(1337). Yet Twain allows the images of Emmeline and the silly clock to deepen in meaning as the chapter progresses. Emmeline is realized as an early portent of the destruction of Huck's adopted family. The mantel clock was admired by Huck not only for its beauty, but because the Grangerfords properly valued beauty and "wouldn't took any money for her"(1337). Huck admired the Grangerfords' principles, and the stake they placed in good manners, delicious food, and attractive possessions. But Huck realizes in Chapter 18 that whereas the Grangerfords may value a hand-painted clock more than money, they put little value on human life. Buck Grangerford provides the third view of the Grangerford's world. He is the same age as Huck; he has grown up in a world of feuding, family picnics, and Sunday sermon that are appreciated but rarely followed. Buck, from when he meets Huck until he is

Sunday, November 24, 2019

Entrepreneurship and business Essay

Entrepreneurship and business Essay Entrepreneurship and business Essay Discuss the relationship between entrepreneurship, innovation and economic development. What role does creativity and problem solving play in this relationship? Refer to both theory and examples from the business world to support your discussion? Entrepreneurship is not just about ‘starting a business’. It is about seizing opportunities in the market place, making changes or improvements and creating value. Entrepreneurs look at problems at hand and take them as opportunities (1). By uncovering problems and identifying solutions, that customers would be willing to pay for, entrepreneurs create value (1). If there is any chance of profits, entrepreneurs become willing to bear the risks involved (2). Business opportunities are like buses, there’s always another one coming. – Richard Branson. On the other hand, innovation is slightly more complex. It is a dual process, which is the combination of some sort of invention and the implementation of it (3). Invention is the creation or breakthrough of new knowledge (3). However, more must be done in order to create value. As Thomas Alva Edison stated, innovation is 1% inspiration and 99% perspiration (3). By ‘Inspiration’, he means ‘invention’ and by ‘perspiration’ he means ‘implementation’ (3). It is evident that the implementation plays a huge part in innovation because without it, it would be nothing but good ideas that is not transformed into economic value (3). Implementing process is also known as entrepreneurial process. Where entrepreneurs transform the invention into economic value taking into consideration the feasibility and managerial aspects (3). That is the clear relation between entrepreneurship and innovation. Entrepreneurs are innovators. The development of the post-it note will demonstrate the relationship between entrepreneurship and innovation. Spencer Silver had a Ph.D. in Organic Chemistry; he worked at 3M and had developed a new adhesive that was even weaker than what 3M already developed (5). He knew he was on to something but unfortunately no one had any use for glue that did not stick properly (5). Regardless, he did not discard it (5). Arthur Fry was another scientist in 3M and also a singer in his church choir. In order to keep track of his hymns, he tore strips of papers to act as markers. However, It was troublesome, as the strips of papers would slip out of his book easily (4). It then hit him, using Spencer’s weak adhesive glue, the markers can be stuck firmly in its’ place and will not cause any damage to the paper when taken off (4). Engineers told Arthur that there was no such machine to develop this paper and the managers of 3M did not support his idea (4). Despite that, he carried on to build the machine himself and sent the ready-made product to all the managers (4). Fry believed strongly in his invention and the ability of it to make profit. He took the risks involved and was persistent in sharing the newfound discovery. If he did not work to transform the idea into economic value and go through the dual entrepreneurial process, it would have remained merely a brilliant idea. Many great ideas go unexecuted, and many great executioners are without ideas. One without the other is worthless. – Tim Blixseth This proves the importance of ‘perspiration’ after obtaining the ‘inspiration’ and vice versa. Moving on to economic development and how it relates to entrepreneurship and innovation. Economic development is basically the increase in the standard of living of nation’s population (6). This can be attained by further improvement of the existing businesses, attracting new businesses and motivating the growth of new businesses (7). These are brought about by entrepreneurship and innovation. The more entrepreneurship results into more innovation, ergo more business start-ups, expansion and retention that influence employment and economic growth (7). Economist Joseph Schumpeter (1883-1950) focused on the disturbance and change cause by

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Two Opposing Perspectives on Egoism of Nietsche and Kierkegaard Essay

Two Opposing Perspectives on Egoism of Nietsche and Kierkegaard - Essay Example Nietzsche, on the other hand, might not have explicitly mentioned the atheistic foundation of his argument in his statement in Gay Science No. 304 but it is clear that he insisted that man should not be controlled by any rule or principle that restrains him from doing what he wants. Apparently, Nietzsche and Kierkegaard also differed in their views when it comes to their treatment of the ego or the individual. For Nietzsche, the individual is supreme and it is only by being so that he frees himself from the clutches of any entity that could hinder his struggle to achieve happiness. Rules that are imposed on him that tend to impede his freedom of movements must, therefore, be removed or repudiated. Kierkegaard, on the other hand, insisted that man should always consider the existence of a higher entity, God. Kierkegaard argued that man is governed by the rules of the Supreme Being and because of this there are limits to his freedom. However, it is necessary to discuss each of the key statements made by both modern philosophers in a more profound manner. The result of such discussion should clarify the opposing perspectives regarding egoism. No. 304 of Nietzsche’s Gay Science is a very explicit statement that describes the author’s personal conviction regarding the primacy of the individual. The last part of the section actually sums up in the most profound manner what he believed in. Nietzsche wrote: â€Å"I do not mean to strive with open eyes for my impoverishment; I do not like any of the negative virtues whose very essence is negation and self-renunciation.† (244) The previous sentences that led to this conclusion are highly critical of the set-up wherein man is ruled by laws that mostly pertain to activities or actions that should not be done. This results into an environment or a society in which people are restrained from undertaking efforts that they may deem as beneficial to them individually. Consequently, individuals are also depr ived of the chance to live happily according to their respective definitions of it. In the statement, Nietzsche asserts that he does not wish to live under such conditions and that he opposes all rules that results in these. Apparently, Nietzsche does not see the necessity of discussing the bases of the laws or rules which he points out as restrictive and violating of individual freedom. It is also clear that it does not matter whether such rules are secular or borne out of religious beliefs. As long as these explicitly tell man what not to do, then these deserve to be opposed. For Nietzsche, the argument against such restrictions should not be anchored on the cost-benefits analysis for society. It is in the actual effects that these produce on the individual. If such laws impede or hinder the individual, then these are not justified. It does not matter whether these are supposedly important for social order or whether these are for the common good. For Nietzsche, if it is restricti ve in essence then it is deplorable. It is quite obvious that he has made the individual as the center for all his arguments, which runs contrary to the perspectives adhered by governments and other power structures in society, whether religious or secular. If his statements are analyzed further, it would definitely appear