Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Dominick10 Tb Ch08 1 - 1005 Words

Chapter 8 Sound Recording True/False 1. Thomas Edison, the inventor of the phonograph, thought it would be useful as a dictation machine. Ans: T 2. When radio began to gain in popularity, sales of records and record players skyrocketed. Ans: F 3. TVs rising popularity affected radio, but not the recording industry. Ans: F 4. Rock music has roots in several musical genres, including rhythm and blues. Ans: T 5. The dawn of the 60s brought a new clean ­cut breed of rock star, thanks to American record companies desires to increase profits. Ans: T 6. Although some American recording artists were prominent during the 1960s, the music scene became dominated by the British Invasion.†¦show more content†¦retail E. management Ans: A 26. One ­stops are most closely associated with the ________ segment of the recording industry. A. talent B. production C. distribution D. retail E. management Ans: C 27. Which of the following is NOT a defining feature of the recording industry? A. it is a cultural force B. it is an international enterprise C. it has been the center of social controversy D. it has never been interested in the counter ­culture E. it is a unique blend of business and talent Ans: D 28. Touring arrangements are made by a record companys ________ department. A. AR B. artist development C. business D. advertising and merchandising E. field activity Ans: B 29. Recording different instruments and singers separately is possible due to: A. advances in duplication technology B. the producers creative input C. overdubbing and equalization D. multitrack recording E. digital recording Ans: D 30. The AR department of a recording company is responsible for: A. the actual recording sessions B. administration of recording artists C. scouting talent D. advertising revenue E. none of theseÍ ¾ AR is NOT part of a recording company. Ans: C 31. Which of the following types of retailers is increasingly important to the recording industry? A. big chains (Sam Goody) B. mass merchandisers (Wal ­Mart) C. bookstores (Borders) D. local independent record stores E. record clubs Ans: B 32.

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